This is the class you've been waiting for!
The Art of Energetic Healing
Understanding & Using the Power of Your I AM Presence's Infinite Connection to Source
This profound class is really more like a "Soul Journey." It is about connecting with your infinite power to heal for yourself and for all of humanity. You will learn about metaphysics and energetic healing from your own Soul's perspective through the remembrance of the information, knowledge and wisdom you have been carrying since your Soul was born. Together we are practicing the Art of Energetic Healing and cause a palpable shift on the planet!
In "The Art of Energetic Healing - Understanding & Using the Power of Your I AM Presence's Infinite Connection to Source, 2022” I teach everything, and I do mean everything, I know about energetic healing, manifesting your life's purpose and becoming one with the Truth you came here to remember. Kat Butler joins me to teach you everything she knows about supplementing these teachings with practical applications through herbalism, plant and animal medicine, and the powerful influences of Mother Earth and the Cosmos.
If you are currently working with clients and practicing any type of energetic healing modality, such as acupuncture, Reiki, yoga, martial arts, massage, healing touch, breath work, theta, etc., this course will help you take your business to the next level!
If you are interested in activating your Divine Channels and psychic gifts, or looking for the path to Love, Joy, Abundance and Harmony, this journey is for you.
Every session includes teaching and experiential components, guest speakers when appropriate for the topic, healing frequency downloads, mini readings, and Q&A. You automatically receive access to both Kat and myself for remote energetic healings during your participation in each topic.
This class was a live event that took place during 2022 to 2024. There are 12 Topics, each consisting of 4-6 Teachings or classes. All classes were recorded and are available for purchase.
Price: $300 per Topic or $3,000 (save $600) if you pay in advance for the entire course!
Please feel free to email, text or call me to find out how you can get your hands on this powerful work!!
Are you ready to break free of what has been restraining you and holding you back from becoming the Powerful Being you came here to remember you already are? Become a student of The Art of Energetic Healing!

The Art of Energetic Healing
What Graduates Had to Say
"The Art of Energetic Healing taught me what my spiritual guides have been showing me for a very long time.
I learned so much truth and a deep understanding of my soul’s journey! Everything is taught with so much love and some humor as well. I feel more empowered than ever to listen to my inner knowing. If you are being called to be a healer, please take this opportunity. The planet needs more of us now!" ~ M.H. Littleton, Colorado
"I feel blessed to have been part of the first Art of Energetic Healing Class. What a beautiful journey through the energetic healing space. I was looking forward to class each week! I couldn't wait to learn more and receive all the healings. Definitely transformational! I have used the teachings mostly on my family. Having two little children, the different energetic healing techniques have come in very handy many many times, be it for emotional health or sickness or whatever life throws at us. The class also taught me a different way to meditate and access my higher information which has come in handy in this crazy world we live in. I am forever grateful." ~ P.W. Delray Beach, Florida
“If you are serious about your Spiritual Journey, Lily Winsaft is a “Must!” Her knowledge is beyond extensive. More importantly, her connection with the Multiverse is solid…as strong as you chatting with your oldest and dearest friends.
Her manner is pleasant, thought provoking and intuitive.
Warning!! Time spent with Lily will open your heart, mind, body and spirit to new worlds/concepts
You had previously not thought possible…or knew, just didn’t know how." ~ K.M. Atlanta, Georgia
"Thank you for a year of awakening and expansion! And what a year it was! I feel like a babe in the woods with so much growing to do, looking forward, hopping forward like a kangaroo carrying Mother, Daughter, Child!"
~ M.M. Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
"I have just completed a year long journey into the Art of Energetic Healing with Lily as our group's facilitator. The amount of knowledge, wisdom, practical application, support, and love that was transmitted and developed during this time is nothing short of miraculous. Although I have been witness to others' growth, I will only speak for myself. My ability to receive information from the higher realms has increased exponentially. Lily's guidance in teaching us, as given to her, has been a precious gift which I can now take further into my own life and share with humanity in whatever way I am called to do."
~ K.A. Atlanta, Georgia
"It has always been my knowing that so much of our lives exist in the unspoken and unseen to the naked eye worlds. In the Art Of Energetic Healing Course, we were given so many beautiful and practical tools to gain access to the powerful beings that we are. The Course covered day to day considerations as well as energetic healings that expand beyond our lifetimes. The Teachings of this Course will not be found ANYwhere ~ of that, I am certain. Finding your way to all of the Wisdom you have ever searched for, is in this Course. It is delivered with an Abundance of Love, Light, Clarity, Understanding and Eloquence. Forever in gratitude and looking forward to more!" ~ R.Z. Netherlands
"I am so grateful to Lily and Kat and Dan and to all of my peers. This class has helped me to learn and to grow and to know who I am and why I am here. My year started off by attending the wedding of my beautiful niece in Pennsylvania. When I returned to work, my nursing unit had been transformed to a COVID unit. It has been extremely difficult year.
I am very grateful for this work, it has transformed my life!" ~ N.D. Jupiter, Florida
"The Art of Energetic class was a supportive platform for me to learn, and explore my curiosity about divinity, and the different healing modalities available to me. I enjoyed Lily's hands on method of teaching, and appreciated the space created for me to feel safe practicing what I learned." ~ C.C. Jupiter, Florida
Various other comments shared throughout the year:
"Lily’s energetic work & teachings are truly something that has to be experienced. Just like your belief in miracles or your higher power, the things that can not be put into words. Give yourself the gift of learning from this incredible, heart centered teacher.
You will not be disappointed. Trust."
"You are amazing! This course makes me feel like a kid in a candy store! I can’t get enough!”
“Good morning, what an amazing class yesterday! I awoke in the middle of the night with the same feeling that I had when you did the meditation in the beginning…I felt and saw the Gold and Purple in my spine. Wow!”
“…I also wanted you to know that when you did the downloading of Compassion, I saw a Silver, almost glittery color!”
“Your class was awesome and as I just heard the recording again I felt all the downloads even more strongly!”
“I’ve listened to the recording of your class 3 times and each time I hear a new golden nugget!”
“Thank you for bringing your teaching gifts to the world. We really need this!”
“Thank you Lily for your love and kindness. My heart is so open. Thank you, thank you!”
“Lots of great stuff, Lily! Loved your meditation at the beginning and that you validated who we already are by saying "you're all clairsentient.”