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Creating Freedom Through Oneness
with the Universe

Three opportunities to return to your center.

Breathe. Connect. Know.


Join us for 1 or all 3 upcoming breath events and continue your journey in remembering the truth of who you are. This Truth is that you are Light & Love and you are so powerful!


The them of this series is FREEDOM. When you free yourself from the negative influences of your environment, the influences that cause you to experience fear, anxiety, unworthiness, powerlessness and even and despair, you will then begin to create the life you really desire!

"Creating Freedom Through Oneness with the Universe"

Free Your Mind to Heal Your Heart

Join our amazingly beautiful Breath Tribe as we explore the edges of the Universe seeking a true and wild connection that will lead us to the Freedom to be who and what we are and to be Free of all that is not serving us in this world!!


Dates & Times:

Wednesday February 16th, 2022 (6-7:15pm EST)

Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 (6-7:15pm EST)

Sunday March 6th, 2022 (12-1:15pm EST)

This dynamic practice will take place on line. You will receive a written summary of all the healing downloads and frequencies that came through during your journey!

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom with the link to join. 


Don't worry if you are a beginner...we'll make sure you have an extraordinary experience!

Please read this important Instruction: 

If you are new to this magical modality or have only done 1 practice with me, please come into Zoom 15 minutes early as I will be fully explaining the breath technique so we can start the actual breath practice no later than 12:10pm. Once we start breathing I will close the room and if you didn’t get in, don’t will be able to join a future session with the same ticket.

We use elements of Transformational Breath®, a powerful modality that is a complete self-healing system using conscious connected breathing to facilitate improved well-being, inner peace and greater joy in life. 

Additional information about the power of conscious connected breathing:


Eating well, restful sleep and exercise improve the immune system. But did you know that even the act of breathing properly is a proven way of strengthening our  body’s immune defenses?

Consciously connecting your inhale and your exhale is one of the simplest and most powerful tools we have. This act of conscious breathing has been used by shamans for thousands of years and has deep roots in practices like meditation, yoga, rebirthing, qigong and more.

Recent research on the mind-body connection utilizing our breath has been proven and science is agreeing.


Conscious connected breathing detoxifies and strengthens our immune system. 

Conscious connected breathing can also help to balance the nervous system, can help us overcome fears and anxieties, whether they relate to the current coronavirus outbreak or any other challenging situation. 

This practice greatly helps you to keep calm and tranquil no matter what is going on around you and in the world.

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People Share Their Conscious Connected  Breath & Meditation Experiences

As posted in the live Zoom chat boards during the last 15 minutes of  integration time or post-event via email and text

2022 Sessions

There have been dozens of instances where participants have shared the amazing experiences they are having in this year's breath journeys. I will begin to post them gradually. Here's one of my favorites:

"What an amazing breath work session! Thank you for the experience. I felt my dad’s spirit in the heart chakra music, almost as if he sent it just for me. It made me cry…joyful and grateful for the gift.  I experienced overwhelming love when we were connecting with Source in the astral. It was if I was the universe surrounding the earth with love and grace for all souls. My guides sent me a pretty strong message that “I am” is enough to heal the world if more of us rest in it with intention. There’s nothing to “do” in the traditional sense but rather just being present in love when we encounter others is enough to complete the process. 

What a powerful event to be a part of!" ~ T.K. Fayetteville, GA

2021 Sessions

We rounded off the year with 4 powerful breath events to alchemize negative impacts from the year so we could create space for a year 2022 of possibility and magic. I truly wish I had more time to list all the amazing testimonials we received!


Here are a few:

"Lily! Beautiful breath session today. I saw pastel frequencies and a lot of white and gold. Also blue sapphire. The past 2 sessions I have been surrounded by white and silver and there appears to be an opening with a silver lining above me. Wow! So metaphorical now that I read that.  Thank you 🙏 I’m so happy to be  experiencing breath with you. Love you ❤️" ~ M.H. Denver, CO

"Hi beautiful, Happy New Year! Your last breath session was MIND BLOWING. I am looking forward to the next one!"

~ C.C. Jupiter, FL

"It was great. I was crying. Feeling so much. Talked to God I felt like!" ~ D.T. Los Angeles, CA

"That was amazing Lily!!  I can’t wait to be a regular in 2022 - this is just the beginning!!" ~ J.B. Newnan, GA

"Thank you so much Lily for a beautiful breath session yesterday and for this wonderful summary.  So very grateful for all of your guidance, teachings and healings this past year, and wishing you all the blessings you are so deserving of in the New Year!"

~K.G. Sebastian, FL


 "These breath events are get so much more powerful each time!!" ~ A.C. New York, NY


"Sometimes it’s hard to put into words the things that happen...I began to see geometric signs and symbols... and I was happy to see and bring them in. Then I began to see in the distance a portal with lions [and of course this the Lion’s Gate]... and as I watched, these two lions got up and pulled open these doors, and my I AM Presence went, it was there, and I walked in and there were these lights...all these sparks of light, kind of like a night filled with fireflies and I realized it was the I AM Presence of an infinite number of people. And I could feel all of them!  I joined in and it was like dancing with a big group of ecstatic dancers. It was beautiful and peaceful and the music was perfect... I was getting a lot of messages from my Spirit Guides and I felt really in touch with my I AM Presence. Thank you so much!!” ~ L.C. Juno Beach, FL


" central nervously system feels so much better; I feel  it has been taxed with everything going on in my life with work and school, family. I feel more restored and calmer. Thank you so much! V.A. Jupiter, FL


"I saw lots of white light and then in the middle I saw flashes of bright emerald green. Then at some point I had pulsing pain at the bottom of my right foot with my heart. I started thinking because of my chiropractic background that I might have a pinched nerve and thought I should just breathe into into it, which I did, and it went away. Then a had a vision where I was in a sort of yurt in Russia and it was flat rocky ground for miles and I was thinking, let’s go outside but then the music changed and the vision went away. At the end I was making a ball of energy with my hands and I pushed it out and got chills as I swept my hands out to send it to the world. Thank you so much!" ~ K.M. Atlanta, GA


"Lily, you always provide a safe and peaceful atmosphere for the breath sessions.  Today I experienced a deeply profound knowing of pure love 💕 I became aware of how much I deserve to feel loved, and that a loving partner is available to me!  Thank you, thank you, thank you! 😘🥰 " ~ M.H. Denver, CO


"Good morning! Just wanted to send you a quick message and let you know that I woke up with my clairsentience at a whole new level! I haven’t experienced it like this before and I have no doubt it’s from yesterday’s powerful [breath] session 🙌🏼🔥"

T.S. Phoenix, AZ


“Every time I do this, the visions are very strong. Today I had many, many different visions. I saw my children. They were very happy, their auras were very gold. They were outside, the sun was shining off of them, they were both in white. And as always I am taken back to my field, it’s always the same field with the forest behind it; it seems like a very safe place for me. I can jump very high. It was very beautiful and I saw silver swirls. At one point I was in the ocean. When you said something about all the negative energy falling off of you, I saw myself falling into the ocean backwards and the more I fell the more fear and anger was coming off of me. It felt very beautiful and peaceful and it was like I was in a very beautiful place. I saw a lot of doors and they were all opening. They kept opening and opening. I saw myself on a stage speaking in front of a large group of people.” ~ W.G. Tampa, FL


“Today is the new moon, which is great for manifesting. And I’m all about that. I just moved and I am embracing what’s new. So I was going through all of that. And as we went through the colors, I realized that the Reiki energy abilities of my hands were where my hands moved on my body. I know that my throat chakra is very important and that moved too. The whole move has thrown off my chakras but I felt the Self-Healing ability of my hands come alive. At the end with the pink quartz frequencies I felt that the people and the pets in my life have been there for a purpose, for a reason - to mirror some of the things that I am trying to let go for myself. So the pet that I have recently let go of…I saw her and she assured me that it was time for me to let go and that it’s fine.  I also realize that my father with whom who I struggled with because of his lack of showing love during my childhood and most of my life…I have come to terms with it…and I realized that he, he who lives out of state and is 89, that I’m going to be letting go of him soon too. This experience was very profound! Thank you so much!” 

K.G. Sebastian, FL



Over 45 participants joined us in March! Here is what some of them had to share:

“I don’t know how I found you and I don’t know where you came from or how you ended up in my inbox! I have been doing a lot of ancestral healing lately and I’m a Reiki Master. I’ve had a lot of spiritual experiences but I have not experienced the kind of physical sensations I experienced today! I’m still vibrating and the tingling sensation especially in my fingertips is unlike anything I have ever felt. I’m still sweating - it was like the sun started to drizzle down on me! I did  a really intense healing temple with a shaman and I asked the water spirits to cleanse me. This was incredible! I’ve never had an experience like this in my life - I’m besides myself! I kept asking, “What is happening here?” I felt held and safe; this was amazing, so much energy just got freed up. I’ve never experienced anything like this!!”

 ~ L.G. Issaquah, WA


“This was wonderful! I’ve had a lot of foot issues, thank you for the healing. I had a lot of tingling in my head; a lot of relaxation; I saw big metal doors closing on some of my past memories so that feels very nice. By the way, I really enjoyed your retreat last year!!”

~ C.R. Naples, FL


“I guess I was the example for crying; I had a dual downpour on both sides; I’m dealing with a lot of stress and this really helped me to relax. Thank you!” ~ J.S. Leesburg, FL


“Oh geez…pure bliss! It was like my breath is getting better and I’m able just to relax into it. My entire body became like crystalline glitter; each part of my body let go and turned into dozens of crystals. At the very end it was like a light and it was layered with what seemed to souls that were all one…a pure beautiful bliss light.  When you mentioned the violet I saw this almost cream violet fluttering all thorough my eyes. It was pure bliss a bliss and a oneness I have never experienced in my life…Thank you!” ~ A.R. Justin, TX


“My animals came in to hone in on the energy going on. At the end I called my dog to forgive him for biting me in fear yesterday.”

~ J.A. Topeka, KS



“Beautiful breath session for me!  I asked for blocks to be removed and I saw them leaving.  It looked like a colorful but muddy tornado. I’d love to have the playlist 🙏” ~ M.H. Denver, CO


“I started uncontrollably crying, it was not ugly crying…I don’t know how to explain it. Towards the end my tears dried up, it was a very moving experience. This is my first time and I really enjoyed it” ~ A.J. Ontario, Canada



“So there's a couple of things I want to share... I realized how resentful I have been towards myself and other people around me. In the beginning of the session I felt I was forgiving myself and everyone…like, in every way! My heart felt so open and I cried. The other thing is that I hurt my foot earlier in the week and I had to get it checked because I thought it was broken. But during the session I felt tingling only on my injured foot. And it felt like it was being healed. It feels way better than it did! Thank you for this beautiful breath session!” ~ B.B, San Diego, CA


“This was my first time. You told us about the tingling…my whole jaw and hands, everything was tingling. I tried to speak but I couldn’t. My hands were totally tingling and numb. I also felt like I was crying inside my head; the space inside my head was bigger than it has ever been! It felt like my whole self could be inside my head. It was a strange feeling…I liked the feeling and it reinforced a chronology of events and my purpose within those event. That felt good… to be reinforced” ~A.C. Jupiter, FL


“I want to share the message I got because, well I haven’t been good at receiving in my life, and the message that I got is that receiving is my birthright and that the best way to learn how to receive is to give to myself. If I can give to myself I can learn how to receive from others.” ~K.A. Atlanta, GA


“I usually have amazing experiences where I see colors and have visions and amazing things happen. But this one was a challenge, I struggled in this session… and I was very frustrated. I couldn’t get comfortable, I couldn’t sit still, I had to shake my hands, I couldn’t get in the zone…I thought I would drop out but I stayed because I knew I was moving through something. I don’t know if it was the downloads or the energy was too much around me. I’m going to have to go for a walk to shake it off. I know that is not the heartfelt feedback you’re probably expecting. But I wanted to share so that other people know that every session is different. So many sessions can be incredible where you cry, you are so moved, you feel your heart is wide open, you feel amazing…and then sometimes like today, you just wonder what it’s all about and you hope you’ll figure it out later.” ~ K.M. Pensacola, FL


“I want to thank you…I was so full of energy and I was receiving so many message from my I AM Presence. And everything you said…I felt it like it was just for me. I felt the presence of St. Germaine and Lady Nada with me. I really enjoyed it, thank you so much!!" ~ N.D. Jupiter, FL


Here's what some of them shared as we released and healed trauma caused by the experience of Betrayal:

“At the beginning when you mentioned about downloading forgiveness, it felt good to know that would be happening. I was able to recognize moments of betrayal in my life and I could look at the moments when I have been a betrayer and I felt almost like a balancing of the scales. I could feel that the people that betrayed me are not bad people just like I am not a bad person even though I have betrayed another. I felt expansiveness and I felt lovely and full of light. At the end I went back to one of my most painful betrayal moments, and I was able to soar out of the scene powerfully instead of cowering. It was beautiful. When I took in the last breaths at the end I felt like I was breathing into a brand new space. I loved it, thank you!” ~ A.C. Salt Lake City, UT


“Thank you so much…We had a beautiful experience and it was very moving for both of us. I remember you saying that couples that breathe together feel closer and we did feel so close! There was so much forgiveness and healing for both of us, this was amazing. I want to thank you for all your healing support!” ~ M.H. Palm Beach Gardens, Florida


"Thank you so much!!! That was awesome 👏  I was diagnosed with POTS which is a heart issue and I always have high resting rates in the 80s... I just checked and it was 62 🤗 which is amazing!!! L.F. Palm City, FL


"I just want to let you know how VERY POWERFUL 💪& mind blowing 🤯 Sunday’s Breath session was for ME! I released A LOT!  Balling 😭snotty wet mess! 😜 and so I want to thank you 🙏!" E.M. Boynton Beach, FL


"The Guides all came in; I saw their souls and healing power... so so profound" ~ A.R. TX


“This was my first time and it was wild. A lot of wild healing moments. I got a lot of tingly sensations. I felt release of emotion. At one point there was a song that had me crying, it really got me. Towards the end I saw the color purple and the color red. Then I saw a beautiful face that made me smile.” ~ A.R. Miami, FL


“…I saw a ballerina and myself as a little girl..I saw that I could be whatever I want, so much clarity, so vivid. It was very intense and very beautiful. It was amazing and life changing. The visuals were so right there. I loved it, thank You!!” ~ L.F. South Florida


“The beginning was really, really heard because it was difficult to get my breath right, but each song shifted the energy. I saw colors I never saw before. And I saw a shower of light coming in and all these crystals started coming in and I aw the energy lifting my body. The light came in like a prism and the rainbow light was so beautiful. A lot of stored energy moved. It was a little scary nut I knew that my body was releasing stored energy from trauma and I could see what was being healed. It was all very beautiful! Thank you!” ~ A.R. TX



“At a certain point you said we were releasing trauma, I immediately got transported to an originating traumatic event in my life that has to do with my root chakra area and it was like I saw the specific trauma and then the breath started coming in through my root chakra an my kundalini got released and I could not get enough of the breath…it was coming in through me and filling me up. The it took an ecstatic form and it was wild and ecstatic and I felt like I could not get enough of it. Thank you!” ~ K.A. Atlanta, GA



“That was very, very intense for me. When you said we were going to another dimension...yeah I definitely l felt I was “out there.” Something from my childhood came back to me and the main message was that… yes, we have all been betrayed and we have all betrayed others in this lifetime. I saw the people that have felt betrayed by me. There was one friend that came in and I have to write her a letter because it was strong. Coming back my heart was so full of gratitude to be here in this life where we get to feel all of this! so much gratitude came thorough. Thank you!” ~ C.C. New Jersey



"Thank you, Lily, for one of the most powerful, beautiful, and magical breath sessions I have experienced to date.  I felt the downloads and healing so intensely that I cried the entire time. When I asked my Soul if she had any messages for me, that is when you said, “I breathe for my brothers and sisters, I make a difference, I know who I am.” 😭. The deepest gratitude and love I have for you. " ~ J.J., Palm Beach Gardens, FL💖💖💖



“The breath sessions are always so beautiful, Lily. Thank you so much. When the first Trust download came through I was seeing blues and greens, the second one I saw pink and yellow. The third one I felt like I was seeing windmills. I have no idea what that means But the sense that I got was that my biggest betrayal has been with myself. And when you said “I Know Who I Am…” I say that to myself a lot but I question and doubt myself so much. Thank you  because I was really present to that I really know who I am…” ~ K.A. Atlanta, GA



“I love the breath work, this is my second session and it was absolutely beautiful. The first download I saw blue and yellow. I realized that my biggest betrayal is my dad. It kept coming in for me about my father and it made me want to reach out to him especially with the third download. I was feeling wanting to hold him and letting him know that I want to work on our relationship.” ~ A.H. Foley, TX


“I’ve only done breath twice before, although not with you. I always seem to have a huge release. And then the bliss afterwards is so amazing. I feel like I am floating right bow.  I wear an eye mask and during the session I felt that it was ok to remove the mask and see the truth  of everyone. Thank you so much, I’m really glad I joined!” ~ M.S. Jackson, N.J.



“Thank you so much! Wow! This one was quite unique for me. In the music I heard the word television and I had been wondering if I should engage in the Super Bowl…I received a message that the Super Bowl, because of the heart warming programming, will offer an enormous feeling opportunity…that all of us can participant end make a difference in the world through this event tonight. Thank you for a beautiful breath event!!” ~ K.G. Stuart, FL



“This was really special, different. Sometimes we can have expectations of what we want to see or experience. So I had to go through the process of feeling that, “Whoa nothing is coming in!” And so I had to let go. Then I realized I was breathing in these little white crystals like diamonds and when I was breathing out I could feel things lifting out of my body.  My heart turned into a white light that was opening and I felt a HUGE pink quarts coming in through the middle of my heart and vibrating the pink light out. And everything was white, then I watched a rainbow light go from one hand to the other. I heard you say something about “we are one.” And then there was so much energy and now my heart feels so open and so much has released…Thank you!! I felt good to release the expectation of what it’s supposed to be!”  ~ A.R. Foley, TX



“I’m happy to be here. I’ve never done this, it is my first session with you. I immediately started to disconnect [from my body], it was immediate. I saw lots of images, not colors, but images of other lifetimes. When one of the songs was playing I felt like we were a tribe and we were climbing a mountain and I turned to see who was there and I saw someone from my tribe and then I fell and died. Then I came back and it was so powerful and I went into so many energies. Thank you so much!”  ~ E.M. Miami, FL



“I got a visual that was a throw back from a past relationship. Something I thought I had processed and release already. Something you said about how we store things in our tissues. I thought I had released it 6 heats ago! But apparently there was something still there! Thank you so much for this release! As far as the downloads, I was on fire! Thank you so much!! The breath sessions are so full of love and connection. Who doesn’t  want to feel that! I appreciate it so much!!” ~ C.G. Jupiter, FL



“This was ny first time and it was Amazing! I feel like my heart has so many tingles, cold and good! The first download  I saw gold everywhere and on the outside this electric blues. The whole session was white light everywhere. When I say cold, it was a tingling everywhere that felt so good. Then I was in the woods and I was like this little fairy floating and sending so much love to all the trees and nature.  It was like I lived there.. it was so familiar and I felt the light of everything around me. And then it was, I don’t know how else to explain it, it was orgasmic. It was such a healing release for me, so amazing! I’ve never experienced this before. Definitely happy I’m here!” ~ W.G. Tampa, FL


"Oh my goodness gracious, Lily...your connection to God is amazing! I saw the world come in before you said it... it felt amazing to feel the downloads and I had a huge release in the jaw. I saw the DNA work you did and it deeply moved me. Everything you said was right in line with what I was feeling. I felt the release of energy in every part of my body that was being healed. Tears came when you mentioned about the Earth and I felt the crystalline bath and then I felt the earth coming into my heart. It was such a loving healing. I felt everything and everyone. I love you so much. Thank you for this gift. I’m still was so profound. Thank you for this. Just thank you."  ~ A.R. Texas



I have never done this type of breath before. There were definitely tears. There were parts where, like you said some of us were, I was in resistance. But I stayed with it and I am so grateful. I felt so much joy.  At the end when we were coming into a normal breath, I wanted to come down but I allowed myself to stay in and I felt this deep joy. Thank you so much. This was incredible!" ~ K.A. Florida



"Boy, Lily... Wow.. this was a good one. I really felt it going down all the chakras. The energy moved down into my heart. Then I saw an ancestral image of my mother, my grandmother and my great-grandmother and I felt love going back and forth with them! These images came to me so naturally. It was so amazing!" ~ J.B. Florida



"It was really nice. I had a lot of tears, nothing sad. And I felt some tingling in my fingers and on the tip of my head, it was really lovely." G.D. United Kingdom 



"I had waves of peaceful healing and connection to family and close loved ones; I loved the DNA work you did here, I felt it deeply and saw all kinds of connections in my life. This was a beautiful session!" ~ B.K. Florida



“What a beautiful experience! I felt the angels around me!" J.G. South Carolina

From Summer & Fall 2020:

"Thank you for the breath session today ❤️💜. Feels so peaceful and filled with love!" ~ M.H. Colorado


"...I also really enjoyed the breathwork on Sunday. I had so much connection to my I Am Presence. So many insights, wisdom, and love poured in. I'm seeing pieces of what 2021 will bring for me. This year will really be a huge journey of discovery for me. I also felt and saw this sonic boom of love that I co-created with Source emanate out from my heart across the planet. It was so powerful, it brought me to tears!!"  ~ G.S. Florida


"Thank you Lily, that was amazing this morning. After releasing everything onto my alter I saw all these faces (both human and animal from all over the cosmos) like past lives coming to say thank you and it’s okay as the gifts came in. It was magical. 💖" ~ E.W. California


"...I wanted to thank you again for yesterday’s class. I’ve missed breath work a lot, and it makes me feel so good to do it. I am so grateful to you for the work you do, and the gift of knowing you. After that class, I had to go to ocean to look at the water. I feel so deeply connected to it. It is my favorite color, and it kept coming up in my breath work yesterday. I noticed on the drive to the beach that all the colors I saw seemed so much more vibrant than usual, and it was such a treat to see that. I felt like I was seeing with different eyes." ~ C.C.G Florida


"I feel my heart is opening and I feel a lot of love for everyone! I feel love and gratitude towards all beings❤️ Thank you Lily💜🙏 its one of the most profound feelings ever! :)"


"Unspeakably beautiful ❤️"


"I was so moved by your words - I am the light I have been looking for! I finally got it!!!"


"I received guidance from the Akashic realm, and a huge healing, and I am grateful for all of it. The best part of the session was that I felt like I was in another realm. God, the Divine or angels had lifted me in a cloud, and held me in love. I felt like I was floating in that cloud with streaks of gold flying around me, and so much love. I kept reaching for them because I want to hug them, and give love and gratitude back to them. It was amazing. A life changing experience for me. Thank you for making it possible.When you have a chance, will you please text the playlist 🙏🏻💖"


"I’m definitely clearing “mother” issues of unworthiness. thank you Lily for guiding us with love 💗"


"Dear Lily. Your love permeates our energy field. I love you!♥️"


"One half hour of your conscious connected breath class is more beneficial than my 15 years of a daily yoga class. My I am presence was giving me information that I needed to know!"



"Hi Lily, thank you so very much for another beautiful call! I received another beautiful message from my Soul. OMG, and that visit with Gaia. Omg! 😭. So beautiful! BUT, I would love the Playlist, which was also beautiful. 🤗❤️❤️❤️"


"Thank you Lily. I would love the playlist. My I am presence was with me. I felt energy and channels opening. Love Love Love you!❤️💜



"Lily! That was INCREDIBLE! I’m near speechless."


"Thank you for all you do xoxo. I love you sooo much it brings me to tears in gratitude xoxo. My heart is so full of love and grace I was reviving downloads all morning then this with you... it was a lot of just light grace and gratitude for everyone. I felt a huge connection with everyone on the call like we become one in healing and it was a knowing in healing as we shed layers of blocks xoxo beyond grateful xoxo"


"Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the breath work/meditation today. I was able to acknowledge, weep, and begin to grieve my mother not being who she was (mentally losing it quickly). So again, thanks!! Know that I've been practicing regularly over the last two weeks!"


" the beginning of my practice a friend’s face popped into my mind along with her sharing with me her blocks to bliss and joy, so I dedicated my practice to her and consciously breathed in joy and bliss for her. 💕"



"Thank you, thank you, thank you Lily. Super relaxing and transformative! Love and Light to you for such a beautiful contribution. Amazing healing time!!! ☺ I know that I am experiencing great transformation through these classes. Please send me the music 💜💚💙"


"Hi Lily, love love loved today’s session! It takes me a while to let go, I think I’m so busy concentrating to make sure I’m breathing correctly, not sure that I am?  Please if you could send me the play list for today I did feel extremely moved by it ❤️💎❤️💎❤️💎 Thank you, thank you Lily for all that you do❣️"


"Hello beautiful. Thank you so much Lily. I am so grateful for your classes, your love and your friendship. My experience today was so powerful." 


"Happy Tuesday beautiful! Thank you for Sunday’s breath class. It was the highlight of my day, and extremely healing for me. Will you please text me the playlist when you have a moment? 😘"


"Felt so relaxed after the breath class. I fell asleep, which has been difficult. TY for helping us find the best in life. You are always so inspiring! Luv you, thank you for being our "guiding angel."



"Love your breath sessions! My vision has improved slightly and I am gaining a small amount of sight back, greatly attributed to your loving amazing. Lily, thank you for the wonderful guidance in our breath work. You are truly an angel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Bless you my precious Lily 🙏🤷‍♀️💞😇" 


"Lily, so wonderful doing the breath work with you and the planet. I feel so relaxed and at peace. Would love the playlist. Thank you for your loving gifts!♥️"



"Lily, I receive message I am a healer. I am a being of light and love and I came here to be a healer and awaken in this life time. Two people came to me who I can heal. My hands are full of energy to heal. Blessings to you Lily for all you do.💜"


"Thank you! I felt deeply connected to my soul…more than ever before. I almost felt out of my body right before you stopped."


"I had a hard time my first time. I thought I would never do it again. Gratefully, Lily encouraged me. After the 2nd time I was hooked and it really did change my life."


"Hi Lily! This work is so important to me. Thank you❣️You help me remember why I chose to be here now and today I opened my heart to receive messages from my higher realm and my angels. I want to remain in this journey with you! See you Sunday. Love You!"




Hi Lily, the transformational breathing session was truly amazing. Thank you for offering it to me. I felt a big heart opening, and I felt all of this crystalline energy. I've done a lot of breath work, but this was very different. I will definitely join again!


April 26th, 2020 theme: "Healing Fear, Unworthiness, Anger and Pain"

"Lily! That was INCREDIBLE! I’m near speechless. So grateful for this invitation! The main messages I received today were that I am welcomed and wanted. When I sent out gratitude (In the form of a blanket wrapped all around the earth) I received all that gratitude back and it was so overwhelming. When you gave gratitude to each of us for all that we are doing to raise the planet in frequency etc. that reminded me of the gratitude I felt at the end of the practice. I will definitely be back! Again, so much thanks! 💖 And so much love to you!"


"I don’t know how to thank you without crying .. what a profound experience of love , gifts and healing !! I’m in such euphoria of pure awe light that all I can do is smile and say thank you thank you thank you !! thank you so much for offering your gifts to us .. I’m so so grateful !! 💕💕🙏🎁🌍. We don’t have words for this .. so tears are just coming in pure bliss xoxo. 💕💎🌎💎💕"


April 22nd, 2020 theme: "Healing Our Past, Present & Future Beloved Relationships"

"It was beyond euphoric, thank you, thank you!" AND "So wonderful doing the breath work with you and the planet. I feel so relaxed and at peace. Would love the playlist. Thank you for your loving gifts!" AND "Thank you so much for today's session, Lily. Mother Gaia was definitely present for me with blues and greens. What an awesome Earth Day! I would love to have the playlist  when you have a chance."

April 19th, 2020 theme: "Healing Individual and Planetary Ancestral Trauma"

"Hi Lily, it was one of the most amazing classes I’ve ever experienced! So many tears I couldn’t believe I could cry so much. My soul gave me the most beautiful message and told me, “I am loved, I always have been, and I always will be, I am worthy, I always have been, and I always will be.”  😭😭😭. So beautiful! I thank you so very much, Lily! ❤️ I cannot wait until next Sunday 🤗"

New World Harmony, LLC & Lily Winsaft


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