New World Harmony
Remembering Who We Are & Why We Are Here
Welcome to New World Harmony, LLC. We've been waiting for you for a very long time! If you are interested in creating a life experience of fulfillment, enlightenment, bliss and love, or are on a journey to discover and know yourself in your absolute Light and Power, and beyond what you have ever thought possible, well...You have come to the right place!!
Our Story
New World Harmony was born in Atlanta in 2012 with the idea that it is harmony, not balance, that we need in order to achieve bliss and joy in our lives.
Little did I know back then that the real mission of New World Harmony would only just begin to truly be carried out in March of 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic would hit the United States and officially rank as a global crisis shared by pretty much every nation in the world.
Yet, with every client I see, every class I teach, every breath session I facilitate, I can absolutely acknowledge that our journey until now has been powerful and extraordinary, to say the least.
My vision remains steadfast - to help each and every human being on Planet Earth remember Who we are and Why we are here in this incarnation, at this time.
Leaving Atlanta and the corporate climb 6 years ago to pursue a quieter existence on the coast of Southeast Florida was the best decision I ever made in my life.
Walking along the shore each morning at sunrise and allowing inspiring messages from the Angelic Realm and Ascended Masters to move through my heart, is a sacred ritual that has transformed my life.
Join me in creating a New World characterized by Harmony, Love, Joy and Grace.
Now is the time!!
Walking with The Masters
I'm having a hard time understanding how we are already in April of 2024! The year, time in general, is flying by. Humanity continues to move through challenges unprecedented on so many levels, especially in politics and in matters of war. I am feeling more and more the powerful influence and importance of the Cosmic and Divine Realms.
My favorite saying..."Your healing is the healing of humanity" has now become, "The healing of humanity is the healing of the Universe."Every aspect of our energetic field is impacted through the changes that are upon us individually, as a species on earth and as member of a galactic multiverse. When we focus on our personal healing journey, miracles happen for the ENTIRE Universe!
Mother Gaia and our Spiritual Masters, Teachers & Guides continue to work with us through our connection with our beautiful and powerful I AM Presence. They are here. We are here. We are so happy to welcome you to our Sacred Healing Tribe where there is so much love for you!
Dan and I continue to share walks on the beach, or wherever we are, every morning at sunrise.
To witness the sun rise daily is a miraculous experience that grounds us, shows us our strength within a vulnerable environment and gives us hope for a new tomorrow where there exists the potential for a New World imbued with Harmony, Peace, Love & Joy!
To the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Teachers that accompany us...I am forever and deeply grateful for the messages you bestow upon me each day. What a gift you are to me!
Love & Blessings to All My Brothers & Sisters, in the physical and not,
April 15th, 2024
Daily Sunrise Healing Circle
Every morning as I walk with the Masters and receive messages from the Angelic and other Realms, I witness extraordinary healings for a handful of Healing Circles that my Healing Team and I have created.
For 2024 we continue activating DNA Self-Healing keycodes and integrating specialized healing frequencies designed to improve immune system operational performance and combat viral load injury from COVID or from jabs, which has become an ongoing health concern.
If you are interested in participating in one of these circles and receiving miraculous frequency downloads and upgrades to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, as well as clearings and activations for your Divine Channels, Chakra System, Auric Layers and Inner Quantum Field, click on the button below and get yourself or a loved one registered.
The cost is only $200 for 30 days of healing! Couples can register for $300 and families (including pets) for $400. Please choose the Friends & Family option and specify that you are registering for the Daily Sunrise Healing Circle. When registering more than one person please make sure to include full names for everyone, including pets!
All healings are directed by your I AM Presence and come from Source. I am the witness. Healings consist of frequency downloads for Abundance, Miracle and Divine Perfect Health Consciousness, and other frequency upgrades such as chakra system and auric layer repairs and clearing; channel activations; cellular, organ, gland, and system repair and restoration; karmic clearing and completion; trauma release and healing; energetic nutrition and hydration for the physical body; alchemizing of low frequencies such as fear, unworthiness, anger, depression, anxiety, grief; and so much more!!
When you register you will receive an initial detailed account of the healings that are programmed and designed during these morning events.